About the Curator
Adrienne Dengerink Chaplin (PhD) is an independent writer and speaker working on the interface of philosophy, theology and art. Born in the Netherlands she studied philosophy in Amsterdam and currently lives in Cambridge, UK. She previously taught at the Institute for Christian Studies in Toronto and at King's College in London where she is still a Visiting Research Fellow. She is also a Research Associate at the Margaret Beaufort Institute in Cambridge.
From left to right: Kevin Hasson, Tom Kelly and Adrienne Chaplin
Adrienne has been working with the three artists since 2014, initially at the initiative and invitation of Contemporary Christianity in Northern Ireland. She and the artists have given talks and interviews about the murals in Derry at events that were supported by church leaders from different denominations working together under the Irish Churches Peace Project. They also work together on the programmes that accompany the exhibitions.
For requests to host the exhibition or any other inquiries please contact the curator Adrienne Dengerink Chaplin at:
Recognising the importance of the murals as a visual artistic rendering of the Troubles and their potential for stimulating cross-community conversation, the idea grew to create a travelling exhibition that could bring the murals' story to a wider public outside Northern Ireland. Its aim was to make the story accessible to people on the mainland whose knowledge of the history and impact of the Troubles is often very limited or fragmented.
The exhibition display was designed and produced by Adrienne Dengerink Chaplin and Andrew Chaplin Cope.

The catalogue was written in close co-operation with Tom's older brother William Kelly, one of the three original Bogside Artist. William died from a sudden heart attack four months prior to the opening of the exhibition in Coventry Cathedral.
The exhibition is dedicated to his memory.

William Kelly (1948-2017)
