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Rainy Hall, New College, University of Edinburgh

 21 – 25 August 2019 

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Rainy Hall 

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                                        Opening Symposium, 21 August 2019 
Above from right to left: Prof. Jolyon Mitchell (chair); Kevin Hasson (Bogside Artist); Dr. Adrienne Dengerink Chaplin (curator); Tom Kelly (Bogside Artist); Prof. Christine Bell (Constitutional Law, University of Edinburgh); Brendan McAllister (Advocate for Victims of Institutional Abuse) 

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Kevin Hasson talking about John Hume and the Battle of the Bogside exactly 50 years ago (12-14 August 1969)

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Above left: Interest in exhibition banner from security police

Above right: New College Quad at night during Fringe Festival

Below: New College Quad after the Edinburgh Fringe Festival

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